Make Pinterest a lead goldmine
Are you using Pinterest yet? If you’re not then you are truly missing out in this new visual world of marketing where the sheer growth of the image and link sharing social network soared last year.
It might just look pretty, but Pinterest is a godsend for gaining leads by funneling new potential customers from the social network to your website.
So what do you need to do to make your Pinterest account a tool for success?
Open a business account
Since Pinterest realised how important it was to businesses late last year, it adopted business accounts. This means that you can set up a professional page with links to your other social media including useful buttons and widgets.
It’s all in the name
Getting the name right is a crucial aspect, as this is what users will be searching to find your business. It should be concise, yet unique. Keep keywords in mind as you work out what people will be searching to find your service.
Don’t sell yourself short
The ‘About’ section is equally important but easier to nail as this time you have 200 characters to sell your company. So keep SEOs in mind, without making the description over technical or confusing. This is also where you will link to your home webpage, so make sure you have described your key services and given users a reason to visit!
Pin-down customers
With your numerous pins (posts) remember that you are ultimately trying to revert viewers to your website. Re-pinning posts should also be customised to include all the relevant information to pin-down customers. For example, if it is a picture of an event or product, put a link to your events or product page in the description.
Go keyword crazy
Remember that Pinterest also uses hashtags and @ prefixes, so do remember to label your post – and either start or join some trends! More than this however, before you decide on certain labels, why not look around search engines and search different phrases and trends that you might be able to contribute to. Even if you are merely sharing content, this will in turn raise your brand presence, SEOs and website leads! For the greater good…
If you would like to know more about the ins and outs of Pinterest or any other social media platform for that matter, then why not get in contact?